الجمعة، 2 مارس 2012

Nero Multimedia Suite 11.2.00400

Nero Multimedia Suite comprises 3 programs, Nero Burning ROM, BackItUp and Vision. It’s loaded with advanced video editing features, media organizer and player, superior burning software, reliable backup technology, and special multimedia tools to enhance your music, photos and videos

Burn to Disc or Share to Social Communities, Slide-shows and Movies with Unique Premium Menus
Arrange Photos and Videos for High Quality Slide-shows and Movies
Multi-track Video Editing with Complete Keyframe Handling Option
Quick, Easy, and Secure Disc Burning
Edit and Enhance Photos with Just One Click
Fully Controllable, Effective Backup in a Few Easy Steps

Free download :379.62MB :Nero Multimedia Suite 11.2.00400 

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